Get regular, non-painful, complete poops

Even if you've been constipated as long as you can remember...

Enrollment reopens in...









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You might have accepted that your IBS with constipation is "just how my body is". But despite that stoic exterior you:


Are tired of questioning every forkful of food - that you haven't quite identified as friend or foe yet

Are over accepting dinner invites - because, even when loved one's try to accommodate you, nobody quite "gets it". So, you're left deciding between people-pleasing and just eating the food, or being curled up in a ball in pain all night. Like Sophie's choice. Every. Time.

Might have felt Low FODMAP has been helpful, but stress remains a big time tummy trigger - but you don't know how to exactly to fit stress reduction in your life in the context of your IBS, when it's all you can do to just wake up and survive the day 

Are truly over dealing with uncontrollable bloating that gets worse as the day goes on, or if you didn't manage to poop that morning/that day/the last two days...

We get it.

It's like you're living in a body that forgot how to digest normal healthy foods, when you actually do enjoy eating well and taking care of yourself.

What if you could get out of bed, have an easy to pass, complete, BM and remain unbloated all day?


Rediscovering those cherished healthy foods - the ones you’ve been longing for after being stuck in the Low FODMAP elimination phase for so many years.

The pure joy of choosing clothes without the worry of whether they’ll still fit your uncomfortably bloated stomach by the end of the day.

Fully immersing yourself in significant moments, and preemptively restoring the energy often drained by tiring flare-ups.

Having a gut-brain connection that is more resilient so that stress triggers do not get the better of your digestion.

It can happen.

And we are dedicating our time to you while you are in our program to get as close to this reality as humanly possible.

Ready to go from chronically backed up and bloated, to being regular by default?


IBLess Constipation

We use our effective strategy called the 6-1-2 Method including gut-directed hypnotherapy (see more on gut-directed hypnotherapy below), and nutrition strategies for IBS-C led by specially trained Monash Registered Dietitians

This method just for IBS-C addresses your gut-brain miscommunication- considered a root cause of IBS sufferers' painful symptoms 

Also, this isn't just a program that will teach you the Low FODMAP Diet- Instead, we show you the best way to do Low FODMAP (with TWO additional dietary game-changers for IBS-C)

More importantly, we can show you how to get OFF many of your dietary restrictions (like Low FODMAP) as much as possible after your gut-brain TLC takes place

Save my seat!

Our steps can work whether you've been newly diagnosed with IBS-C, or if you've dealt with the constipation for eons...

The stats: 4 out of 5 people respond with 60-80% symptom reduction within 6 weeks using Step 1 of the Method- PS: This is better than any medication for IBS created thus far

This isn't your mama's IBS-C program. Nope...

Content is delivered by private podcast, emails, and signature tools accessible 24/7 - No snooze-worthy video lessons or another program that feels like a total drag to start.

Support channels are readily accessible, via group chat, email, private 1:1 check ins, and optional bonus group calls


Over half of individuals are dissatisfied with their current methods for managing IBS.

From natural remedies, probiotics, fiber supplements, diets, and medications, the benefits of these approaches, if any, also only last as long as they are continued.

Nor do these methods address the underlying cause of most IBS cases: a disorder of the gut-brain interaction.

Indeed, IBS is now classified as a disorder of the gut-brain interaction.


How is IBLess different?

It includes gut-directed hypnotherapy (GDH).


Why use gut-directed hypnotherapy?

GDH targets the oversensitive nerves in the gut and the faulty signaling of the gut-brain axis.

Research shows that hypnotherapy provides lasting management for IBS, continuing to work even after the program concludes.

"I never realized just how much the gut and the brain were connected"

- IBS-C Program Member



Available to residents of BC

  • Monthly podcast access  
  • 1 year gut-directed hypnotherapy
  • 45 min private check-in monthly
  • Private initial consultation
  • Direct chat Dietitian M-F  
  • Weekly email lessons
  • IBS-C Playbook
  • Recipes & Meal Plans
  • Optional group calls
  • Unlimited email support
  • Unlimited group chat
  • Curated welcome box 
Join waitlist

IBWellth (Best Value)


Available to residents of BC

  • Monthly podcast access 
  • 3 months gut-directed hypnotherapy
  • 30 min private check-in monthly
  • Private initial consultation
  • Direct chat Dietitian M-F
  • Weekly email lessons
  • IBS-C Playbook
  • Recipes & Meal Plans
  • Optional group calls
  • Unlimited email support
  • Unlimited group chat
  • Curated welcome box 
Join waitlist



Available to anyone with IBS-C

  • Monthly podcast access 
  • 3 months gut-directed hypnotherapy 
  • 30 min private check-in monthly
  • Private initial consultation 
  • Direct chat Dietitian M-F 
  • Weekly email lessons
  • Optional add-on: sections from Playbook
  • Optional add-on: selection of recipes
  • Optional group call
  • Unlimited email support
  • Unlimited group chat
  • Curated welcome box
Coming October 2024

*After a one-time $268 registration fee that includes your initial assessment, and that is eligible for reimbursement for those with Dietitian coverage

IBLess enrollment re-opens:

Fall 2024 program enrollment is now closed. Get on the waitlist and save your spot for January 2025 now!

Hop on the waitlist!









Here's what we'll do:

  • Stabilize your IBS-Mixed using our signature 6-1-2 Method. Backed by science, broken down into simple steps, and fully supported by your Dietitians, this approach includes:
    • Gut-directed hypnotherapy to calm your gut-brain connection and reduce the severity of your symptoms (because IBS is now classified as a disorder of the gut-brain interaction)
    • One strategic night-time tool so you can have a consistent and pleasant morning poop
    • Low FODMAP Diet done better, and with IBS-C tweaks, so you can live less restricted as soon as possible
  • Expand your Diet with our guided, supported process to eventually reduce your restrictions
    •  So you can get back to enjoying all those foods you’ve been missing, while keeping your symptoms in check
  • Create a Vitality Plan
    • To keep you thriving, confident, and well-nourished long after your program ends
    • From tackling those pesky nutrient gaps to taming nighttime cravings and preventing energy slumps that IBS restrictions can bring, we're sending you off with a plan for in case of flare-ups, and so much more

IBS-C is the most difficult to treat subtype of IBS, with the least success when it comes to a single approach like just using Low FODMAP.

For you to just wake up, have a normal poop, and feel confident leaving the house for the day, it takes a multi-modal approach, that sometimes requires involving other healthcare team members like a pelvic floor physiotherapist.

However, IBLess can get you started on a plan asap, and loop in your other health care team members where necessary. It sometimes takes a village to crush IBS-C, but we will be there every step of the way.

You've probably noticed that IBS info sometimes makes no sense to you (like avoiding coffee for example, when that helps you poop!). It:

  • never quite delivers you blissful regularity, long term
  • fails to address the root cause- just band-aids it with restrictions leaving you feeling like you either can just eat air, or be continuously in pain

So I developed my own process for IBS-C for my clients who are interested in the long game (no more quick fix attempts), and I lay it all out in one easy to understand, and execute, method. 

IBS with constipation holistic treatment approach

You must have questions after all that you've been through and tried (and were probably left underwhelmed with). So let's do it.

Have some more Q's? Here's a little more info ⬇️


Enrollment reopens

Get on the waitlist and save your spot for January 2025 now!

Hop on the waitlist!









So if you are ready for:

Feeling the sensation of complete evacuation each and every day

A belly that doesn't look 6  months pregnant with trapped gas at the end of the day.

Opening your pantry and fridge and finally feeling like you have a wide variety to choose from

Getting back to being excited about travelling again (as opposed to terrified because you know you just stop popping when you're away from home and out of your routine)

Then you are ready for IBLess Constipation; so you can be less IBS,

& more YOU.



Available to residents of BC only

  • Monthly podcast access  
  • 1 year gut-directed hypnotherapy
  • 45 min private check-in monthly
  • Private initial consultation
  • Direct chat Dietitian M-F  
  • Weekly email lessons
  • IBS-C Playbook
  • Recipes & Meal Plans
  • Optional group calls
  • Unlimited email support
  • Unlimited group chat
  • Curated welcome box 
Join waitlist

IBWellth (Best Value)


Available to residents of BC only

  • Monthly podcast access 
  • 3 months gut-directed hypnotherapy
  • 30 min private check-in monthly
  • Private initial consultation
  • Direct chat Dietitian M-F
  • Weekly email lessons
  • IBS-C Playbook
  • Recipes & Meal Plans
  • Optional group calls
  • Unlimited email support
  • Unlimited group chat
  • Curated welcome box 
Join waitlist



Available to anyone with IBS-C

  • Monthly podcast access 
  • 3 months gut-directed hypnotherapy 
  • 30 min private check-in monthly
  • Private initial consultation 
  • Direct chat Dietitian M-F 
  • Weekly email lessons
  • Optional add-on: sections from Playbook
  • Optional add-on: selection of recipes
  • Optional group call
  • Unlimited email support
  • Unlimited group chat
  • Curated welcome box
Coming October 2024

*After a one-time $268 registration fee that includes your initial consultation and that is eligible for reimbursement for those with Dietitian coverage